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I am the proud owner and user of three MadKon braais. You can use the MadKon braai at your home, holiday home or on your camping trip. I never leave on a camping trip without a MadKon braai in my vehicle. Best braai you can buy.
You can use wood, charcoal or briquettes in your MadKon braai. The MadKon braai is also very handy to prepare a breakfast on.
Schalk Louw

This is a super portable Braai. So easy to use, assembling straight from the carry case in a second, requiring no tools or fiddling fingers. Hardy, robust and precision built from easy to clean stainless steel it produces a long lasting hot bed of coals from either wood or charcoal, even in a moderate wind.
I use it at home or when on my off road travels its been worth every cent, the quality and convenience will remain, long after the price has been forgotten.
Recommend to anyone who enjoys cooking outside.
Stephen Quick Isle of Man
Braai Enthusiast

I have made, bought and used many different “portable” braai’s. However some of the most common issues I had were durability, transporting, setup and being an avid overlander space is always at a premium.
Since purchasing the MadKon ammobox size braai I have never looked back. It is the best investment I made to tick all the boxes. It is now a breeze to have a braai and enjoy nature.
Struis Raspi
I have been using the Madkon Braai for a few years now and this is definitely my best investment I could make. I use a 20kg Namib Camel Thorn bag of wood for each braai. The grid has never been skewed. Insure value for money.
Rikus Truter
LekkeR Kampplekke

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